Hello everyone. This publication will be like an open complaint to the curriculum (?) But hey, if there are certain things that I would change, it would probably be to put a chorus on it at some point in my career, I would have liked to take those kinds of subjects, I think everything can be very useful For the subjects where singing is required in the basic cycle, it would be a good complement to start the race and have more confidence. Changing or eliminating interdisciplinary subjects that in my opinion are the most useless I have seen and are just a waste of time. But not everything is bad either, complementing more with digital programs, unfortunately I had to learn to use them on my own, especially because of this pandemic, it was something totally necessary. I don't really feel that more things are needed in infrastructure, just a total change of the building, but I see it somewhat distant, rather impossible.
But if that were the case, having more green spaces would be something totally beautiful and that is something that really has to be lost inside the faculty more soundproofed classrooms and more individual study rooms, because most of the time they are occupied. And the study methods is something that I have not had any major problems with, I feel quite comfortable in general.